Yeramba – supporting our locals at Hamlyn Terrace

Over the years Lisa, from Hamlyn Terrace had achieved all in the corporate world, and after accomplishing her career goals, she simply had enough of being stuck in the office working crazy hours. And we all know this usually means missing out on spending quality time with family and friends.

So after leaving Sydney to embark on a sea change to the wonderful Central Coast – Lisa hasn’t looked back!

Lisa told us: “With all this time on my hands, I quickly rediscovered my love for art and appreciation of all things beautiful. I was happier again, finally getting my groove back and enjoying getting my hands dirty with being creative.”

“I’ve always loved wearing statement jewellery pieces and I suppose it was my way of sneaking in a splash of colour, showing off my creative side even when dressed in those stuffy office suits! So when I came across Indigo Isla, with their unique and handmade designs, I knew I had to come on board and bring these beautiful pieces of jewellery to my friends and family.

LEONE Projects & Designs was born. LEONE is so special to me as created with the initials of my gorgeous family, reminding me everyday that without them, I wouldn’t be the strong woman I am today.

I look forward to sharing these beautiful pieces of jewellery with all of you.”

See @leoneprojectanddesigns on facebook